

  • SoCalJules
    Joyce, I'm curious where you ended up going for care in Chicago. My sister is currently with Northwestern but has an appt. with U of Chicago next week. Northwestern has been very bleak and morose so far - hoping there is more hope - any hope actually with U of Chicago. But whatever is best for her is what is most important. I'm out here in California and just wish I could do more.
    March 2012
  • Blue-21891
    Hi Joyce, I was passing through and wondered how you and your husband are doing. Hope life is going ok given the challenging circumstances. Sending best wishes.
    June 2013
  • Russ
    Joyce, it looks as though the exchange email has been removed...I don't know why. It was a great way to communicate with thoswe who don't want the world to know their story. So I am going to spell out my email address...russ and urai at Comcast dot net This should work. Let me know b sending me an email at home. Good luck!
    May 2013
  • Kristinaako
    Joyce, would u be going to pancreatic conference on 23 of October in Chicago? We are driving from Indianapolis.
    October 2012