

  • Frantic34
    I originally asked this question whe I was first diagnosis and was told maybe 5-7yrs that was back in 2008.Well I am still here and is in remission and doctors won't say when. Don't ask because they are not God. God has the last word anyway. Just live each day has it was your last. This illness is different for everyone.
    September 2017
  • SDGadgetGirl
    Downbutnotout - glad to see you back on this site. I hadn't seen you on for a while and was wondering how you were doing.
    November 2016
  • lynniepoo
    Yes there have been times in the past 3 years that I have wanted to just give up. Am so tired of taking medicine, seeing drs, being poked and prodded that I just want to stop. At least my maintenance chemo is oral and I only get an infusion of zometa once a month when I see my oncologist so blood work works for both. But the pain in my back and bones is constant. I have finally retired so I have more time to just lay on my back which keeps the pain at bay, but am now looking at a possible heart valve replacement which scares me even more!!! It seems to just never end. My 3 children keep me going and especially my 6 year old granddaughter who is the light if my life. She is so good with me, knows I am limited in what I can do. My daughter will be having a baby in May and that also keeps me going. I have good friends who understand too. I have to think of my kids too as their father (we are divorced) has pancreatic cancer) and is currently also on chemo just to keep it from spreading. But in the end it's me that has to want to keep going. Am not ready yet to give up all I have so will keep up the fight. Hope that you too keep fighting. There is so much in the world to see and watch even if we have to so it from home!!
    March 2014
  • Carmen2014
    For me I didn't have any signs. In nov right before thanksgiving I could'nt hardly walk so I went to DrTo see way I couldn't walk. So I didn't see my usual dr saw a different one all of a sudden he rush me to having a full body X-ray. One week later the nurse called and said that I would get a call from the oncoglgy dept I asked caner she told me someone would call. I had no signs other than pain when I walk I thought that it was from mine back because I have a slip disk. Start treatment jan 3 rd didn't know till a few weeks ago that I was in kidney failure and stage three cancer. Well my treatment are almost over I'm a stage one now and my kidneys are normal again.
    May 2014
  • Me2
    Just stopped in to say I hi and to have a Blessed week-end...Sincerely Cathy Winters
    March 2014
  • barryboomer
    Check out this article and the site Chris Beat Cancer.
    Chemo is very powerful and is also a poison so it can cause MANY short and long term problems.
    Check out my Story and Protocol.
    February 2014
  • Charlieb
    You have been asking a lot of good questions and hope you have benefitted from our answers. Keep in mind everyone's experience is different because there are so many variables. I would like to know where you are in your treatment and how you are doing. If I may suggest, maybe enter information about your journey so we all can follow where you are at.
    In your last question, are you talking about just getting through SCT or recovering from cancer? I wanted to clarify this because I can share my timeline from the start of my SCT through the first month. If your talking about your myeloma, that's a different story.

    December 2013
  • cllinda
    Just wanted to let you know that I am routing for you! Chemo may be rough but you will get through it. And keep trying to do normal things when you feel up to it. Trick or treat, going to the store, going to church, etc. are all things that I missed last year. But now that chemo's over and I'm doing better, I want to spread the word that you will get through it and be able to do things that you like again. Good luck with your treatments. Linda
    October 2013
  • gwenstacy
    I recall reading about a taste change, but I cant remember if it was the Rev, or the Dex that caused it. I find that most foods I eat have a dull taste or icky after taste since I started taking them. A little extra sea salt does the trick for me.
    May 2013
  • Cat-22701
    I was lucky, wasn't tired nor did I burn. Just some redness to area during the last treatments. Just go's to show you never know. Good luck
    May 2013
  • DaveWaz

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    Your WhatNext Family
    March 2013