

  • Carolscheff-62381
    Hi, I, too have PPC, and as you might have read am in a clinical study after my cancer recurred in two lymph nodes. I have the most wonderful doctors and nurses treating me, and I just know that I will be here to celebrate my 76th birthday (I celebrated my 75th in November).

    I , also had the de-bulking along with a spleen removal, and up until two weeks ago was taking a step class twice a week. Now I am having chemo too many days a week to get to my class, but I am searching for something that will fit my schedule, although it may have to be a little less taxing than step aerobics

    They monitered me by CA 125, and CT scans, that is how they found my recurrance.

    Just keep thinking positive and remember that I am still here after my diagnosis over a year ago. I will still be here talking to you next year.
    December 2012