

  • barbaraanne
    Had core needle biopsy to confirm results from a mammo & bilateral sonogram stating "complicated cyst". Turned out to be cancer. The doctor didn't even mention a mastectomy, just lumpectomy due to the small size 1cm. After an axillary sentinal lymph node biospy confrimed that it did not spread to any lymph nodes,that also helped the decision. Thought I was in good shape just needed some radiation, but turns out my diagnosis is "Triple Negative" which is an aggressive cancer, only treatment is chemo followed by radiation. SoI had a 2nd surgery so the surgeon could clean the margins. At 1st the radiation oncologist suggested removal of my breasts & ovaries, I was shocked... But before that was discussed further they had me get a blood test (BRAC) to test if I had a positive gene that makes the cancer spread at a faster rate, i was lucky I tested negative. I just had my 1st chemo session yesterday, feeling pretty good. I also went in today for a shot to help the blood cells recover (Neulasta) I heard about some nasty side effects, so I'll see how I am feeling tomorrow. The nurses said I will probably feel crappy for the next 3-4 days or so. Before the surgery I also had an MRI which is showing something in the right breast (the surgeon did not get the results before I went into surgery, but since I was already prepped (this pissed me off) but decided to do the initial surgery since I was there. i will do another MRI in 5-6 mons. and a biopsy if needed. I will tackle the decision on a lumpectomy or mastectomy depending on the size. But I still keep in the back of my head about a mastectomy because I don't want a recurrence, but it can also move to another body part. It is a tough decision to make, but at this time I feel I made the right one. I wish you the best of luck in whatever decision you make. God Bless..
    December 2012