

  • Leukemia_WN
    Just checking in on you to see how you are doing. If you are doing well, we would like to feature you and your leukemia experiences in an article on our WhatNext blog and our social networks. Would you be interested in that?

    All we would need is just a brief description of your journey, diagnosis, treatments and the outcome along with your current prognosis.

    Let me know if you would like to be featured. You can email me at greg @ WhatNext . com
    January 2018
  • Jayne
    Congrats on your enduring spirit and determination!
    January 2018
  • gabriel444
    You are wonderful! Thanks for your uplifting words of encouragement and bless you for being such a fighter! Xo mary
    November 2013
  • Teachergirl
    Happy Happy Birthday to you!!! Hoping it is a great day for you. Cyndy
    September 2013
  • Teachergirl
    wow, what a great job your son did on the video! Thanks so much for sharing. Hope the medication helps you feel better soon!!
    September 2013
  • Teachergirl
    Would LOVE to see your son's video!! Is it on youtube? I'm so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I hope you will please keep us updated. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and sending a virtual hug!
    September 2013
  • Teachergirl
    Checking in on ya~hope you are feeling well and having a great weekend.
    August 2013
  • GeorgiaGirl42
    Laughter is great medicine... for a good laugh check out the movie "Identity Thief". My husband and I watched this weekend,,,, we hadn't laughed so hard since treatment began 6 months ago! It will crack you up!!

    Diagnosed with stage IV lymphoma in Jan--since then endured two bouts of pneumonia, hospitalized 1 week first time, then 2 weeks second time... just about recovered from last bout and only one chemo treatment left -- this Friday, Yeah!!

    Looking forward to getting our life back to normal again!! Hang in there ALL - better days are ahead!
    July 2013
  • ajeanWV63
    I have read your experiences, and I must say you are my SHERO!
    It is really hard to face these things long term, but it is our only option. Sounds like you are doing all things possible. Congrats on all your efforts and being a mother with two I would say active boys, as I remember mine at those ages. My son was 33 when I contacted cancer and he quit work for nine months to assist me since I am also divorced this was major in my recovery.Yes, they now have some pretty good nausea meds which is a bright point in our journey. Little victories help us face the next are a fighter and that helps you positively in the outcome. God bless you and hang in there!! Jeanie
    June 2013
  • Bucky-40021
    Hi my friend!!!! Glad to hear about the remission!!! Hope you and the children are all well. I am going to ask my onc about a picc line or port the pain is bad when going for my IGG infusions and i was in the hospital for a bad infection two weeks ago and the IV was ^%^% to say the least lol.

    God Bless!!!
    November 2012
  • Deb949
    Thank you, I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving.
    November 2012
  • ThingPink
    Fight on girl!!
    October 2012
  • Therose
    I know for a fact that I have memory loss. I enjoy writing you know keeping a journal words just don't come as easy as before my treatment. My treatment was in 2008 and 2009 I still have memory loss not as much as in the beginning but I still am not as quick to think of words and names. I like your user name Still fighting. My sister a survivor of breast cancer told me to get my necessary treatments not let it get me down to just keep it moving. Meaning continue to go living my life. So that is what I do continue living life to the fullest.
    September 2012
  • Therose
    Good morning I just wanted to comment on statement you wrote about an hour ago concerning still wanting to be apart of every day life with the family. I too have a hard time coming up with words from time to time when words are my thing. I can describe the word and sometimes the person I am thinking of but right at that time I draw a blank. When I attended support group in Redondo Beach they referred to as chemo brain. As if having chemo caused a certain amount of forgetfulness or loss of recall.
    September 2012