

  • PennieEckard
    Sorry to hear to the news kkelly. My prayers are with you.
    July 2015
  • pfordeb
    I saw your story on another page and wanted to contact you. My husband died between my surgery for colon cancer and when I started chemo. What a club we are in. Personally, I think losing my husband was 1000 times worse than having cancer. Best wishes to you.
    May 2014
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi kkelly111, was reading around and saw you had the same sequence of chemo I had,before and then after surgery. I am also IIIC and just finished chemo this week. Had heard of platinum resistance and wanted to know how the doctor said. I was in remission. My CA 125 went to nine after being over 1400 and I guess that is roughly what he is basing it on but also had a good pelvic exam and will have a CT scan on the 24th. ASked him about the platinum resistance and he said he did not think I was but how do you know till it reoccurs? Curious , did you have IP therapy also? Am leaving my chest port in for now because I know the odds of recurrence and want to fight it from the get go if that be the case. Take care, thanks for any info.
    March 2014
  • DeBuhr1943
    What does platinum resistant mean?
    March 2014
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Kelly, I was diagnosed in August. Have not been staged yet but doctor thinks from symptoms and ct scan that it is III c also. Will have surgery in November. Have had two rounds of chemo. Talk anytime.
    November 2013