

  • Newman3
    What is 1-131? I had thyroid cancer in 2008. They did a biopsy and the biopsy was positive for papillary cancer. The left lobe was removed. No other treatment except hormone therapy, because the right lobe still produced some hormones. A year later I had mammogram & it was positive for in situ carcinoma . A lumpectomy to left breast was done. Then 6 months later follow up mammogram was done breast cancer was present again. Another lumpectomy & radiation. Put on tamoxifen for 5 years. I had difficulty with chest & upon MTI/CT scan showed I have 3 nodules in lungs. I've been off tamoxifen for almost a year now, but went to yearly ultrasound & I have nodules in left thyroid. Because of my experiences with cancer I agreed to biopsy. I'm really nervous after reading some of these posts. I don't want to loose my right lobe it's the only natural hormone w/ Levothroxine that I have & afraid of loosing right lobe.

    They are keeping an eye on nodes in lungs to see if they grows. How do I know if loosing my left thyroid didn't start a roller coaster of cancers?
    June 2014
  • Newman3
    What is a neck dissection? Why is it done?
    June 2014
  • emsavard
    Hi there. By what you have written in your experiences it appears that things are going relatively well for you. As survivors we have to stay on top of our health and keep getting our check-ups even if we are considered "cancer free".
    February 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Thanks for stopping by the page, glad to see you and hope your doing well!
    January 2013