

  • Ydnar2xer
    Hi. Thanks for the reply. Your suggestions are sound, however, I already take about 14 pills every morning and really don't want to add ANY more right now. (Thanks for reminding me that I forgot to take them this morning, too!)

    I don't think anyone deserves cancer, except maybe horrid people like Jerry Sandusky...Most of the time, I don't feel like a victim, because I get a kick out of wearing weird wigs to chemo to try to make the other patients laugh, or at least smile. Cancer can bite me! My mood may not always be so strong, but all & all I am hanging in there! The people on this site really contribute to my good feelings about myself, and for that, I am thankful. Good to "meet" you!
    November 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Hi Yallpaint! I'm another Her2+ woman, living over here in Bremerton. I read your journey and it has helped me in what to expect as I finish up my chemo. I'm on TCH--all 3 drugs 1x one week, then 2 weeks with TH only, 1x each week, then back to the 3 drugs again. 18 weeks total...then Herceptin until September 2013. I go for my 9th chemo on Tuesday, so will be celebrating the 1/2 way point! I agree, the insomnia has been some of the worst I've ever seen, but thankfully (and because of multi-steroids), no vomiting. Weight is bothersome, but DIEP flap coming with its fabulous side effect, the tummy tuck! Hope things continue to go well for you & stay in touch!
    November 2012
  • DaveWaz

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    Team WhatNext
    November 2012