

  • arizonagirl
    Hi Nancebeth,

    I have read your story, & think your attitude pretty much sums up how I feel also. Those nipples were too funny! I too have invasive ductal cancer. I am currently going thru chemo with Taxol & Herceptin. I completely understand about those hot flashes & sweats. I also have a rash on my face & neck caused by the Taxol as well. Are you Her positive or negative?
    If I could,I would like to ask you questions on your reconstruction. I will have to decide on a procedure in the near future. Take care!
    October 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Nancebeth--I LOVE the 6 (or is it 8?) doggie nipple story. LOTFL. I will HAVE to try that on my long-suffering husband! I am still LOL!
    October 2012