

  • Mollie
    Hi Karolina. My grandfather was the same way with my grandma and my mom. Just sooo full of anger it was like hatred. He even told my grandma it should be her who has the cancer and die not him. It's so hard to get into someone's mind to see what they are really feeling/thinking. Like Dulcinea sai though, get mad at the cancer with him. Maybe that will help. I also know that know that I'm are giving for my grandma I need my therapist more than ever. Going to talk to someone just to help YOU may be a good idea. Let me know if you want to talk more. Mollie
    September 2012
  • DaveWaz

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    Team WhatNext
    September 2012
  • Dulcinea
    please understand how terribly scared he is - he's lashing out because he is terrified. i know that feeling.

    I'm a lung cancer survivor (so far), diagnosed September 2011. I've been through the lobectomy, chemotherapy and radiation. I have found WhatNext to be a great supportive group here. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. You can message me directly, or post to my wall - I always try to respond.

    but he's very scared. he's afraid of being in pain. he's afraid of dying. he's afraid to breathe. he's afraid not to breath.

    i was diagnosed as PTSD from trying to keep it all together for my parents and my children.

    while i know his anger is unpleasant, it's actually to get angry WITH him. cancer sucks. there's this evil growing inside of him (and me) - you can't see it from the outside, most times you can't feel it.

    at my job, they tell me that i make cancer look easy. they don't know how much work it is, to get up, go to work, work for the day.... everytime i take a breath, am i short of breath. every stomach gurgle - has the cancer spread? every headeach, it is a brain tumor?

    every ache and pain, every sniffle and sneeze, every cough, every twitch..... i'm in terror that it's more cancer.
    September 2012