

    Sorry this is happening to you but glad to hear that I am not the only one!! I have noticed that I am not as quick as I was and that I forget having done something or what I was going to say and doing things more slowly, as you said. I thought it might be the Xanax I have been taking to help calm my anxiety but maybe there is something to the fact that your brain (and all the rest of you!) is in shock and is struggling to cope. After all, cancer, any kind, is alot to take in and I have never met anyone that really wants to die! Maybe as we progress towards acceptance and recovery we will be our old (new in my case as I will be having a double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction) selves again. Keep up the fight!
    April 2012
  • hiho
    I'm doing okay. I have some achiness from my TSH being so suppressed. It causes Fibromyalgia,so they tell me. I have had the thyrogen shots three times. It's not bad just makes me tired. I plan to rest when I get them, then it makes it a little easier. I have never heard the word remission. They just tell me how high or low my thyroglobulin is so i guess I have never been there. I had an appt for Aug 27, they called and changed it three times so far. Now its for Oct.8 and I'm going to change it so I don't know when I will go to the doctor next. She will most likely just do an ultrasound. Good grief I wonder why they left your tumor in that long? Good luck with your scan. Keep me updated.
    August 2013
  • Ronhirota
    Tall cell is very hard to kill. My wife has had it for 9 years now. Multiple I131 with little effect. Metastasized to lungs. Last go round was tumor penetrated trachea and more surgery. then external beam radiation, 15 minutes/day for 6 weeks. So far so good, neck is clear but nothing to do for lungs. Nexavar has been keeping it in check.
    April 2013
  • SMT4
    Just wanted to drop by and say Hi! Hope you are doing well and all is going well for you. XOXOXOX Hang In There!
    March 2013
  • SMT4
    Just wanted to give you the link to my face book group I started:
    March 2013
  • Lindy
    Hello ILDenlou, I have an entirely different cancer but as noted we are in a struggle when it comes to chemo, my chemo took all my hair, the Herceptin turned my fingernails into the consistency of thin potato chips...all the usual rock and roll including everything but applesauce tasting yucky and mouth sores. I did get the "magic mouthwash" and just held it in my mouth several times a day when the sores were at their nastiest. I also found Halls REFRESH moisturizing sugar free drops comforting and helpful with the unpleasant taste in my mouth. Found them at Walgreens. Hang in there, Lindy
    October 2012
  • GregP_WN
    This WhatNextr has Tall Cell Thyroid Cancer, you might post on their wall, maybe they can help.

    Greg P
    Team WhatNext
    October 2012