Sorry to hear you have joined our ranks, but you WILL get through this, and you'll be fine.
I'm not typically an advice-giver, but will mention a few things suggested to me that helped me get through the treatment: 1) Super-hydrate. I was told to try to drink at least 3 qts. of water / day to help flush the chemo out of my system after it had done its work; 2) Listen to your body. Sleep when you are tired. 3) Try to increase your consumption of high-quality protein. Even though your tastes may change while on chemo, try to force yourself to consume some form of protein. My tastes changed drastically, and all I was able to eat was egg white, cottage cheese, and buttermilk.
I was diagnosed III-B in January 2013 and responded very well to treatment. But because of my late stage, I ultimately needed a permanent colostomy in November 2013. It hasn't slowed me down, and life is sweeter than ever!
Hang in there!!
September 2018