

    Debbie hope your well, Merry Christmas!
    December 2013
  • Missvampyr
    Hi DebbiD,

    First off I am sorry to read that your enduring so much and have had to go thru so much. I had radiation (8wks) 13 yrs ago the first time I had breast cancer. Now this time it was a different cancer aggressive triple neg. so since I had radiation once before that wasn't and option for me and I refused the chemo route because for me the risks outweighed the benefits. Let me explain that one here, 40 yrs ago when I was 11 yrs old I had open heart surgery to partially repair T.O.F. (tetrology of Fallot) so I still have valves that leak so I will at some point in time have to make the decision about a 2nd open heart surgery. The drugs used for chemo cause neuropathy which I have due to type 1 diabetes and they also cause damage to the heart in cases so for me it just wasn't worth risking. I live with several life threatening diseases and take lots of meds just to stay alive. Before this bout with cancer I was pretty active and considering my health issues didn't tire as easily but since this diagnoses the exhaustion has just drained me. Like you I push myself to do things and pay for it later. I walk my dog 3x's a day for an hour at a time min. then come home and nap. Since I have to see both my endo and onc. just after the new year I will see if there is anything that can be done, maybe my thyroid meds need to be upped or something. I pray for you though, that you are able to get back some of your energy and that you have enough good energy to enjoy Christmas with your family and friends. Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year.
    December 2013
  • MaryTD777
    Yep, got all those dates ~ March 17 dr appt, 18 x-ray, 19 mri, 23 quit smoking when scheduling pulm doc appt etc, etc, etc. OY! I am in south/central NJ - not far from Toms River if you are familiar with that area. Where are you?
    February 2013
  • MaryTD777
    I just thought I would say Hi!! We are both in NJ and are close in age, and even close in Dx date. It looks like you haven't been here in a while, but if you come back, look me up if you want. =D
    February 2013