

  • shopaholic25
    Hi Teri, How have you been? I'm still praying for you every Sunday at Mass. I had a CT Scan in October and I still have an infection in the right lung. The lymph nodes have gotten a little smaller than before. I hope this disease disappears! My next test is end of January and Oncologist meeting is early Feb. Hope it's not snowing then. Not much going on. I meet with a support group on Wed. PM. I'm still trying to eat better, but I haven't give up all my sweets. I visited Wilburs Museum several times lately. It is outside of Lancaster. Their chocolate is great!!! My fav is a cookie (2 Ritz crackers with peanut butter inside). It is fully dipped in dark chocolate. I am eating more veggies and I'm shopping organic several times during the week. Trader Joe has a great organic carrot juice. It is so sweet.

    I'm getting work done in my basement. I had a French drain put in to ensure that I have no flooding. I had some water last year during Irene. The work is causing too much dust though. I have been staying out or I wear a mask when I go down. Just what these lungs don't need!

    Please let me know how you are doing.

    December 2012
  • shopaholic25
    Teri, Sorry I haven't written for awhile. I've been on a "break". Just like you I sometimes get tired of discussing lung cancer. I started doing volunteer work (only 4 hours) at a hospital's upscale thrift store. I have been explaining my cancer to local people whom I haven't seen since before I was diagnosed. I sent a short message after I saw your blog, but I don't know if it went thru. Today I went to the U of Pennasylvania lung cancer event today. There were many MD's & RN's who covered many topics. I was doing okay until the chemo MD started speaking. She segregated by stage, so I didn't like to hear her comments on stage 4. I also heard more about Tarceva. Although she stated that the medicine will probably not work eventually, she talked about the type of medicine that U of P is trying to develop. In addition, Tarceva mfgr. is working on a new & better version. Hope that comes out soon. Also learned that the CT scan shows more than the PET scan. I'm not being treated by U of P...I'm going to Fox Chase Cancer, but it was very interesting and if Fox Chase doesn't work out well, I will consider going to U of P. It is one of the best in the US.
    I've been thinking of changing my eating. It would help if I started buying the right food and started cooking again. I may have mentionned this before. There is a cancer org (www.beatcancer.org) that will call once every 2 weeks. You would be taught what you should eat and not eat. Yesterday I learned that there are 7 no-no's. They cause inflammation & acidity: wheat; corn (incl corn syrup, corn oil); dairy; white (i.e. white rice); sugar (white); caffeine and microwaving. I've been eating alot of cheese and I learned that it is not good for me. Some things that should be good to eat are wheat free-gluten free breads, rice crackers, rice pasta, organic buckwheat, organic olive oil, organic eggs (cooked soft yellow, like poached & sunny side up), organic butter, unsweetened almond milk, goat yogurt, stevia sugar (I found it in Trader Joe's), raw honey, organic maple syrup, sucanat sugar for baking. Ignore decaffenated coffee or tea...they still have caffeine. Anyway, hope you can use some of this info.
    Speaking of allergies...my nose has been bleeding & my eyes are itchy.
    It was recommended that I get a juicer. Do you have one? If so, do you use it & is it good?
    I have been thinking about you. I told a member of the PA Lung Cancer group about your books & interview. The group already has CD's.
    I asked my MD if I can have the port removed. She didn't think it was a good idea because I may end up in chemo eventually and it isn't easy to install again. I was so sorry I had it done...my lung collapsed, so I had a drain put in for a few days.
    Take care! I will start writing more again.
    October 2012
  • shopaholic25
    Teri, How did your test go? Please let me know about the results. I had the mammogram today. That was horrible, esp. because i have the port that I don't use. I felt like stretching the port. This "acne medicine" is Clindamycin - Topical (Cleocin T or Clinda-Derm). I still didn't try it. Thanks for your info on the vaseline. I never thought I could use it near the eyes.

    Good luck! Hope your medicine work. And yes, Cancer Sucks!!!
    September 2012