

  • Jessica-14021
    Hi tweetona, my husband is 75 and was diagnosed with lung cancer a few days before Christmas 2011. My world came crashing down so I understand those feelings of horror. The doctor told him that 20 years ago this would have been fatal but now there are effective treatments. His oncologist ordered 6 rounds of chemo for him. He has a treatment every 3 weeks. He is doing extremely well and has even gained some weight!

    Since his diagnosis, I have talked with other lung cancer patients. A guy I went to high school with was diagnosed with the same type cancer your husband has. His medical dr said he had about 2 months to live. But that was so wrong! My friend is now cancer free after receiving 6 rounds of chemo.
    He remains cancer free after one year.

    Another friend who went to our church also was diagnosed with lung cancer last year and was told her cancer was inoperable. She went to Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville, TN. They did not remove just the tumor...they removed the whole lung. She has undergone 3 rounds of chemo and is doing great.

    There are many, many success stories so hang in there. We won't be leaving this world until God calls us. Once He calls, nothing can keep us here but until then keep looking up.

    God bless you and your hubby.

    February 2012