

  • queen3rjd
    I am so sorry to hear he is not doing well. The two of you are in my prayers.
    March 2013
  • queen3rjd
    Hello, I have not been on this site for a while. I hope things are going well for you and your husband. My husbands last scans came back NED. He remains on chemo and Herceptin for next three months. We are hoping for a break but feel very blessed with his results. Please let me know how things are going. Blessings Jana
    March 2013
  • queen3rjd
    You have been on my mind a lot lately. How is your husband doing? How are you doing? I just what you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Jana
    February 2013
  • queen3rjd
    Thanks for letting me know how things are going. So glad to hear your husbands cancer is responding to treatment. I totally understand how treatment is making him feel. My husband has only had a break from chemo for two weeks since his diagnosis last Feb. He cannot taste anything and it is getting worse. I will be thinking positive thoughts for your appointment on Wednesday. We have an appointment on Thursday with the Radiologist. My husband just received word today that he needs to schedule his next MRI and pet scan this week. This always puts us on edge but we are believing for cancer free result. Holding you up in prayer. Jana
    February 2013
  • danellsar
    My husband also has esophageal cancer in the same place, at the GI junction with the stomach. He's been in treatment a bit over a year now, chemo and radiation. He has liver mets and lymph nodes, but the actual esoph. tumor has shrunk. He regained all the weight he lost at first. Eating is better. It's been a terribly hard year but he's still going. Let me know if you have any questions.
    May 2012