

  • beatriz
    THANKS to all for sharing your experience. YOU have made a difference. Blessings.
    October 2012
  • GregP_WN
    We are all wishing you the best. Hope your second opinion helps you out!
    October 2012
  • Sherribelle39
    Thank you.....i am going to do my best. I will become a Social Worker and help cancer patients the way i was helped. My Social Worker was a total inspiration to me when i had my stem cell transplant 6 months ago.
    October 2012
  • Sherribelle39
    Sorry its been so long since i've been on. I am doing good, but school is rough. I've been out of school for 26 years so its like learning everything all over again
    October 2012
  • marshala1
    Hey, Nobrand. Your posts really move me. I have the same thing you do, only I'm a 63 year old female. I got through chemo fairly easily, so I'm thinking so can you! You are strong my man. When you are feeling weak, stop testing yourself and treat yourself like a pampered prince. You will be strong again when this is over. I deal with death by trusting in the Lord. Not knowing your beliefs, I would suggest that you talk to someone close to you about it. I know I can't make a believer out of you over the internet, but those who have hope in the Lord don't worry so much about it. If you have considered it and it is not for you, at least share your burdens with someone--I would hope someone would promise to take care of your kitties for you! My hope is that you are going to be around for quite a while to care for them yourself! ;)
    October 2012
  • GregP_WN
    We all wish you well, hope you go home soon!

    Greg P

    Team WhatNext
    October 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Ohhhhhh!!!!! The "palace of fuzz"? I'll tell my husband about that and he'll have sweet dreams tonight!

    Yes, losing my hair is traumatic, because up until now I really was able to psyche myself into thinking this whole experience wasn't real. But now I know better. OUCH!
    October 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Had to laugh when I read your answer about "fuzzy". Our kids tease us about being the "fuzzy" and "sparkly" couple. My husband loves fleece and anything fuzzy, while I am instantly attracted to anything that sparkles...or is leopard print!
    October 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Thanks for your positive comments, Nobrand, on my new 'do. I must admit that waking up to it every morning is rather a shock, but it makes me laugh--which was part of the intent in getting it done this way. I figure anything we can do to cheer each other up, cause someone to laugh--or to ask me why--is worth it. It seems like the people of the world are way too angry right now...and most of them don't have cancer! Take care.
    September 2012