

  • michaelroth
    so about that same here too my wife cheat on me haven affair
    March 2014
  • ILDenlou
    hi my name is denise i was diagnose with papillary-tall cell carcinorma march 2013.i am in remission since aug of 2013 i had 40 biosipys in my throat which was 240 needles 5 hour radical surgery took saliva gland 12 lymph nodes 1 par thyroid and whole thyroid in hosiptal for 6 days with i131 lost 7 teeth and have lesion all over my ton gue from i131 my platlet drop down because of i131they took at hit too but im still here im 59 years old still very tired take lots of naps.well thats my story i want to wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.Love Denise
    December 2013
  • SMT4
    Wanted to invite you to my face book group specifically for thyroid cancer patients. http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/167516416733568/
    March 2013