

  • jchelle
    Hi Brendan! I'm from San Jose. May I please ask who and where you got your surgery done?
    June 2015
  • TonyB52LBCA
    please check out my experience(s) and if you have any comments/questions, I would like to hear....
    September 2014
  • sooty1234
    I was diagnosed with a no. 8 on the scale of 0/10 3 weeks ago. how long do I have before making a decision about treatment. My Doc said about 6 weeks. Would you recommend Laproscopic or Robotic surgery? I am leaning towards a complete removal of the prostate. Any other suggestions and words of wisdom is appreciated.
    March 2014
  • atwostep08
    Thanks Jim. I will do as you recommend...take my time and take in information from many sources. Never hard the phrase "horses for courses"....interesting. Steven
    August 2014
  • Pinnacle3821
    Brendan - thanks for your input! I am 99% sure of having the surgery at Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC
    November 2013