

  • BorntoShop
    Hello we have similar health issues. I will post again soon just found you . I am currently on temodar once month 5 nights 2 pills then off 24 days . I had tumor regrowth had cyber knife waiting to have MRI . Feel energetic able to do tasks.
    July 2014
  • lakehouse
    Hi, we have the same cancer I was diagnosed in March 2013. They removed the tumor, but it grew back a couple of months. I did 30 days of radiation and 42 days of Temodar. In September I was put on Avastin every 3 weeks with lomustin every 6 weeks.i would love to chat with you.
    January 2014
  • buffalogirl
    Hello msfullofhope,

    Our stories sound similar. I know the news is grim at first with the average life expectancy being 12-18 months. But my doc said everyone is different and that I had age and my healthy lifestyle on my side. You are young too so I'm positive you'll beat this. You have a great attitude! It shows in your screen name :)

    Isn't it funny that people associate cancer to hair loss...seriously??? That was the very least of my worries, right? While you're waiting for your next step you should research IA Chemotherapy and see if you are a candidate and if your Dr. or hospital performs this. It stands for Inter or (Intra) Arterial. I had the choice to continue with oral chemo or IA which was more aggressive so of course I chose that path. It increased my chances by 50% to make it to 5 years. I was able to travel and do everything as usual including running and downhill skiing in between treatments. I'm a little nervous coming up on my 5 year anniversary but my oncologist says that after 5 years the Iikeliness of a reocurrence is reduced so there is hope!!

    I wish you the best and will be following your progress.
    October 2012
  • buffalogirl
    I hope you're treatments are going well. It seems like a lifetime ago but as I was updating my story it all was vividly clear (well most of it). It is a long journey but I really feel fortunate. how are your treatments going? Are you in pain and/or do you have strong side effects?
    October 2012