

  • ShuuQueen
    Just wanted to say hello. I just came across your story. Praying that you're doing well.
    March 2014
  • Tami
    Hi Judi, thanks for sharing your story. We have a lot in common. Like you, I also was diagnosed with Invasive Lobular Carcinoma, and am now Stage IV. My cancer is in my bones. I started out taking Xeloda which is chemo in pill form for 6 months. I had to have a hysterectomy and now take Femara to further block the estrogen. There are alot of side effects with the Femara but for the most part I am doing OK despite the cancer being extensively in my bones. Glad to hear you are doing well on the Faslodex with little side effects. Do you take anything for your bones? Hang in there, you are not alone. I would love to hear from you - let me know how you are doing.
    September 2012