

  • GregP_WN
    Thanks for taking the time to answer questions and offer support to others! It makes a big difference to those who have questions and need information for someone to offer that. A new diagnosis is a scared and lonely place, we can help them by just answering a few questions and offering a shoulder to lean on.

    Thank you again, we hope you're doing well.
    Greg P
    Community Mgr.
    3X Survivor
    August 2019
  • VickiB
    The swim suits cups are molded and they don't go flat thank goodness. They have some know on clearance for 17.99
    July 2016
  • seanymph
    why hide at the pool, if they dont like it they can look away.As long as you are comfortable with it x
    January 2014
  • joankzk1
    Thank you for answering my question. I did have a double mastectomy, looks like we had the same type of breast cancer. Is the leisure forms like the foam forms.
    October 2013
  • connie1947
    ok no phone an no e-mail sorry you can still look at the other places if you want to.GOD BLESS YA Connie moreno
    July 2013
  • connie1947
    oops it looks like I am not allowed to put my phone number on here but you can find it on craigslist,anI am on FACEBOOK ,I play games there,an my e-mail is IF it does not get deleted morenoconnie27@yahoo.com.hope you get it,connie moreno
    July 2013
  • connie1947
    WELL hi ,I am NO SCAMMER I tell everyone who contacts me I will show anyone who wants to see my medical proof,or meet me an see my bald head,an see that I am verry sick I dont even have the streingth to leave my apartment on my own.I CAN only go out if someone takes me somewhare in a car,most of the time i am in my HOSPITAL ELECTRIC BED,or in my recliner, I cant even walk to my mail box out side,my IHSS care taker gets my mail for me,an she does not work on weekends so i wait untell mondays to see friday an saturday mail. I LIVE IN STOCKTON ca,I will talk to anyone who wants to call me ,MY phone # is 209-221-9282 after talking if anyone wants to meet me an see for them self I will give them my address,BUT I will only see people on the days my care taker is here with me ,SHE IS here mon-fridays Mondays for 5 hours tues wed thirs 2hrs only,fridays 5 hours I must do this so no Bad person can hurt me, so well i guess that is all i can say,IF YOU want to know more I did message TMASSIE, an answered some other things. well that is all i can tell you right now,my fingers are cramping from so much typeing MAY GOD BLESS YOU Connie Moreno
    July 2013
  • GregP_WN
    You can find carm here @carm
    May 2013
  • AlizaMLS
    Dear hikerchick,

    I'm sorry to be getting back to you after so long. I'm not on the site as often as I once was as my daughter, a Paramedic, got hurt on the job (her ambulance was hit by a drunk driver) and she's got some hip and spinal injuries that she's attending to and well, I'm being Mom to my 26 yo, so please excuse me for not getting back to you quickly.

    Since I'm a Med Librarian, and you ask a very good, important, but medical question, I'm not the person to direct it to-but Carm, our wonderful nurse would likely be. It's against Librarians' code of ethics to offer answers to medical questions - we do many other things - research, refer to docs, hospitals, agencies, institutions, websites, books, media, etc. but to answer medical questions is to practice medicine sans license and it's considered illegal for us. I'm sorry. Even if I knew the answer to any med question, I'm not permitted to answer it. I came on the site in my professional capacity to help people in other ways than some of the other folks can. I hope you understand. I'm not blowing you off.

    I truly think that Carm is the best person to whom to direct your question. I hope you find the answer you're seeking and that things go well for you!

    Warmest Wishes,
    May 2013