

  • mistyb
    Hi, I saw an old post from you asking about 3D tattoos. That is the direction I am thinking about going. Did you have it done? Were you happy with it? Where did you have it done???
    March 2014
  • Ydnar2xer
    Hey, AZGIRL--I was down your way last week and realized I hadn't seen anything online from you lately. How are you doing? BTW--Tucson was scorching, but FUN!
    April 2013
  • Nomadicme
    Hi, I felt fine two weeks after the final exchange (my ps always over expands by 50 mL so that the skin gives a little. Consequence of that is less volume, so less push. Plus the permanent implants are much more comfortable).
    March 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    I think that we just need to be PATIENT--NOT my strong point! I am into checking my close up mirror after each shower for signs of eyebrows or eyelashes recovering but today was dismayed to find a "dead" eyelash on my cheek, under the side that only had 5 lashes left anyway! But I DO think I spotted some infinitesimal beginnings of a few eyebrow hairs! LOL. We need to keep our senses of humor about this, I think!
    March 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    Hi AZ Girl! Haven't seen/heard anything from you lately and wanted to say hi and how is it going? My hair is growing in VERY slowly now--it's about 1/4" long and sparse right now--oh, and it's WHITE as my mom smugly told me the other day. Just what I needed--another kind word from mom, LOL.
    March 2013
  • MarnieC
    Hi arizonagirl - I was about your age (a little younger) when I was diagnosed with BC (same type as you but not HER2+) - that was 8 years ago. I am sending you hugs today and hope that you will beat this thing. I write a blog to help others through this journey, my focus is to unite mainstream medicine and complementary therapies - if you'd like the web address, please let me know. How are you doing with your various therapies?
    October 2012
  • SusanK
    Hi. I just saw the question you posted on my wall several days ago. You asked about reconstruction. I started reconstruction the day of my mastectomy; after the breast surgeon finished, the plastic surgeon took over and put in tissue expanders. Over several months he added saline about every three weeks until I was the desired size. After my chemo finished, we scheduled the second surgery when he removed the expanders and put in the permanent silicone impants. That second surgery was much easier all the way around; a two hour procedure with just a couple day recuperation time. It wasn't a so-called "flap" procedure where they take your own tissue and implant it. While none of this process is easy, I am happy to say I came through it quite smoothly. I'm pleased with the results. Good luck to you as you move forward.
    October 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Hi! The TCH regimen I'm following is Taxol, Carboplatin & Herceptin. And I thought I was the only one with the gross bloody nose!
    October 2012
  • SusanK
    Hi, Arizona. I'm sorry about your diagnosis. It is scary. Lots of tears...and fears. I was diagnosed one year ago and have jumped over many hurdles since. But I am here to let you know you can do it. One hurdle, one step, at a time. I hope you are surrounded with lots of love and have excellent health care nearby. I hope, too, today will be a good day for you.
    October 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Hi AZGirl! It sounds as if our chemo routines are similar. My onc has me get chemo 1x a week on Tuesdays. The first week I get TCH (the C seems to give me the most problems), the next two weeks I get TH. Those three weeks constitute a "cycle". I have 6 cycles to do, but on 10/30 I will have completed 2 of them already! YEAH! What is your chemo routine like?

    I changed my photo to one of our dogs. Yeah, he's cute, but he's a brat as well, LOL. (Kinda like me.)
    October 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Well, it really wasn't hard for me to decide to go double vs. single mast. After all, my right breast has given me nothing but trouble (same side both times), so I figured, get rid of the threat! (It's my opinion that breasts are HIGHLY overrated!) Also, I was rather huge (Grandma boobs), so this way I can get what I want this time. I've already contacted the plastic surgeon who will do a DIEP on me, probably some time in May. I have to finish the icky part of my chemo first, then wait two months, for some reason. I chose DIEP because it doesn't involve using any muscle, just stomach fat, and right now it sounds wonderful to take it away and use it for a better purpose! I will get new breasts the size I want, right under my chin (!) AND get a tummy tuck! I think every woman who goes through BC deserves that, don't you?
    October 2012
  • Ydnar2xer
    Hi Arizonagirl: We have the same diagnosis, except I am stage 1. I was diagnosed Aug 3 and had bilateral mast on Aug 21. Things are happening so fast. I have done 1 of the six "cycles" of chemo--I get TCH every 3rd week for 6x; Taxol and Herceptin in between. Those TCH weeks are the worst...and I am facing another one on Tuesday. I call Carbonplatin "carboncraptin", which seems to be more appropriate! I too, have a rash on my neck...and had been wondering what was causing it. Do you also have mouth sores, bloody nose and headaches?
    October 2012
  • Nancebeth
    Hi there! Thanks for the comment. I decided when I was diagnosed that I was gonna kick ass and do it with as positive a spin as I could. I am glad you enjoy my blog, I write as I speak so sometimes it gets a little You can email me at and I would be happy to answer any questions you have. I can give you my number through email if you want to text or call as well.
    I am ER+ and PR+ but HER2- so I was on a different chemo cocktail but it all sucks! But alive doesnt suck :-)
    October 2012