Hi, I read a few of your posts and I think I can be a good resource for you. My fiance was diagnosed May 2012 with a malignant melanoma on his back, clark level three. At the time the removed the leison and removed two lymph nodes. It all came back negative, no more cancer. He was cleared. Now last week he was diagnosed with stage iv cancer that has traveled to his lungs, testicle, kidney, liver, adrenal gland and spleen and possibly more places, they haven't tested everywhere yet, brain scan tomorrow. We are not sure yet if it is melanoma or another form of cancer. I'm scared as hell and we wont know til the end of the week what the doctors want to do.
I fought tooth and nail with his insurance and doctors last year to get him the necessary treatment...and I was successful. I would like to do what I can to help everybody get the help they need and can advice you or just impart the things I learned along the way.
Main thing, be vigilant with your follow ups. We weren't and he is paying the price right now. Not worth it.
Send me an email qtkitycat@yahoo.com. I will do what I can to help you.
January 2013