

  • cris
    Hi Kelli,
    I am doing ok I have my ups and downs, I have one more week of chemo left & that part is over will be seeing my surgeon Feb. 20, already saw my plastice surgeon, I am going with the silicone myself & not worried about the shelf life anymore, just want the cancer out of me!!! xoxo
    February 2013
  • cris
    Hi Kelli, thanks for letting me know about this website. The encouragement will be good!!
    November 2012
  • MarnieC
    Hi Kelli - thanks for joining us here and for helping others already - you have a nice way of writing that inspires. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help support you. Which kind of reconstruction did you get? I'm an 8-yr BC survivor and I write a blog to help others through this, I'm just about to write an article about specific types of reconstruction and how each tends to affect us. If you wouldn't mind sharing, that would be great. Much appreciated.
    October 2012
  • SusanK
    Kelli. I am sorry you have had a rough time with your reconstruction. I was always pretty oblivious to other women's breasts, my own as well, but I do find myself being a little more observant now, having had a bi-lateral mastectomy eleven months ago. You are right about treasuring our loved ones and our lives even more now, but I think it's normal to feel a little remorse about the loss of our "old" breasts. My new ones still occasionally feel like foreign objects. But here we are, moving forward, appreciating this "different" life we now have.
    October 2012