

  • cloverlady4
    Hi Karenhi. Just checking in. Hope you are doing well. My last PETscan in Dec. came back all clear. Looking forward to spring! Catch you later.....:)
    February 2015
  • lujos
    Hi there, thanks for the info on melatonin! Can't buy it where I live, but I can probably find it online.

    I see you are my age, with IIb and hormone profile like mine - lucky old you! :-) I'm earlier in the process than you, just having chemo now, hoping for a great result such as yours!
    January 2015
  • cloverlady4
    Hi Karenhi. Just checking in. How are you doing?
    October 2014
  • cloverlady4
    Thanks for answering. I'm glad you are doing OK. The fatigue does seem to last a long time doesn't it? I had a PET scan done and it came back all clear. Even the spot on the sacrum bone is gone. Guess it's smooth sailing for a few months. Tumor markers still not normal but dropped 200 points. Will get another test in Aug. It IS getting warmer finally. I am planting a vegetable garden at a friends house this year. Haven't had a garden in probably 25 years. I am excited about it. Catch you later.....:)
    May 2014
  • cloverlady4
    Hi Karenhi....how are you doing?
    May 2014
  • BabsWon
    Hi Karenhi, You & I have pretty similar experiences with breast cancer and we both live in Minnesota! I also had a lumpectomy, chemo (ACT), & radiation. Did you have an OncoDx test? My recurrence score was 24 (grey area), so I had to decide if I wanted to have chemo or not. I did go through chemo, and as bad as it was, my side effects were not as bad as some endured. I am on Arimidex for 5 years with about 2-1/2 years to go, and I do have a lot of joint pain. I notice it most when I'm trying to sleep around 3AM - not fun. I exercise almost every day - mostly walking. I like to jog a little, too, but that might not be so good for joints & bones. I have some osteoporosis in my spine and will have a Dexa Scan in May to see if things have gotten worse. I take a weekly 35mg Actonel to help the bones. Hope you are feeling good now. Keep us posted on what is learned from your vitamin D trial, if they tell you. BabsWon
    April 2014
  • cloverlady4
    Hi Karehi, How are you doing? I just saw your question about Zometa. The first time I had cancer and was on AI I got Zometa. I think they are going to give me something different this time, I'm not sure.
    I haven't been on in a while cuz I had abdominal surgery Jan.8 and I am still recovering. Was in hospital for 12 days. I couldn't eat, was on TPN (food in an IV bag). Then incision got infected. Also the line used for TPN got infected so it reached my bloodstream. I am finishing 10 days of home IV antibiotics. I am finally feeling better.
    Hope you are doing well. Catch you later......:)
    February 2014
  • banditwalker
    Thank you for the link about the melatonin. I was going to ask the onc this next tx if we can forgo the neulasta because my WBC is sky high. I will also ask about the melatonin but I am not experiencing any neuropathy yet.

    Hope you are doing well and staying warm. I am originally from Chicago so I remember cold.
    January 2014
  • Jbro
    I've just had one Zometa infusion so far - next one in January. The day and evening I had the first infusion I felt fine. Woke up about 3 am with severe flulike symptoms. Extreme body aches and fever for two days and wiped out for another day or two. It sounds like drinking a lot of water and taking an antihistamine before the treatment are helpful. I'll try that next time. I've been taking the anastrozole for 6 1/2 months and have found the side effects to be a little annoying but not enough to interfere with my quality of life. I think regular exercise is very beneficial. Good luck - hope all goes well for you!
    December 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Hi Karenhi, so glad surgery is behind you. Isn't it weird that oxycodone works on some pain and not others? Hope you enjoy your day tomorrow. Have you tried Aleve for shoulder pain? Sometimes over the counter stuff works better. I had round 5 of chemo and am soooooo tired. wow. Glad I only have one more to go. Catch you later....:)
    November 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Hey Karenhi, checking on you. Did you get the back surgery? If you did I hope you are feeling better already. Our lives really do become surgery and DR. appts. Oh well, as long as it gets us through and feeling better. Have a nice Thanksgiving if I don't "talk" with you by then. I am going to my cousins house for dinner, Just a few people and he said just come, don't bring nothing but yourself. I said as long as no one is sick and he said no, nobody's sick.....just mentally. lol so I said aren't we all. Should be a really interesting afternoon....lol
    November 2013
  • banditwalker
    Hi there, was just checking in. Did you get your liver enzymes straightened out? And if so, how? I am also keeping track of my lab reports each chemo round. I like to be able to discuss these with the onc when I get there each time.
    Hope you are doing well and in high spirits!
    November 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Are you OK? A little worried about you.
    November 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Haven't heard from you lately, you OK?
    November 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Hi Karenhi, just wondering if you are taking or using any new supplements that might affect the liver enzymes.
    November 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Well, I wound up not getting dressed up as a witch. Just not up to it. I stayed home and dressed up as a cancer patient insteasd....lol. Oh well, next year will be better.
    Got hammered this round with severe flu-like symptoms. Still got 2 rounds to go, I'm a little worried. Least it only lasts a couple of days.
    It got really cold here today, only 42 degrees during the day. But it is Nov. so its to be expected.
    Hope you are well, catch you later.....:)
    November 2013
  • cloverlady4
    awww thanks for thinking of me. 4 down, 2 to go. Not bouncing back as quickly but still can't complain. I wish I could figure out how to post a picture of myself. I like the one you posted.
    I feel well enough to get dressed up as a witch today for Halloween. I think I'll go visit the crew at the cancer center. I asked around and a few of them are going to dress up. catch you later.....:)
    October 2013
  • cloverlady4
    So how are you filling your time now that you don't have to go to radiation every day? Hope its with something fun......:)
    October 2013
  • cloverlady4
    So far, so good, knock on wood. A couple of days of pain but much better today. I thought I might be getting sick, my throat was sore and temp was going up. Never got past 100.3. Ok now though.
    Went for little ride yesterday to "leaf peep". Not quite at its peak here yet. Saw a few awesomely bright ones though. We need a good frost I think. Not that I want it to get cold. Do you get all colors of leaves where you are? Did it snow there yet?
    Halloween is at the end of the month. I get chemo on that Wed. I love dressing up. I'm usually a witch. I hope I feel well enough to dress up. Every year I add something to the costume. Since I have fuzz for hair and a flat chest I was thinking of being a little old man. lol I could get pants and suspenders. Well, we'll see.
    Do you dress up or decorate at all?
    Catch you later.....:)
    October 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Woo-hoo! It's Friday---5 more rads down for you.! You say you only have a couple left? Awesome.. Goes by a lot faster than chemo, that's for sure. I still have about 11 weeks to go. Oh well.
    Feels like fall here today. Leaves are turning. Going for a ride this weekend to take some pictures. Hope they are really brilliant this year. Well, catch you later.....:)
    October 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Cheno went OK. So far, so good. knock on woos. I keep expecting it to get worse with each treatment. It has a liitle bit but nothing that isn't manageable so far. Slightly nauseaous all the time now but pilla tke care of it . I am halway through! YAY! And you only have 7 rads left! WOW!! Did it seem to go by fast? Are you fatigued? I think they will be tumor markers soon to see if chemo is working.
    How is your doggie doing? Had surgery right? My cat is the most expensive thing I own. lol. He had 3 urinary blockages. He is the most demanding pet I have ever had. He is too smart for his own good. His name is Mr. Mitts cuz he has huge double paws in the front.
    Well, glad you checked in and I'll catch you later.
    October 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Karenhi, WOOHOO! 5 more treatments behind you! Past the halfway mark. Are you still handling it well? I hope so.
    October 2013
  • cloverlady4
    It does sound like Lyme Disease. I have been tested many times over the years, all negative. My mom tested positive though.
    I am feeling better though I have started taking Zofran and Compazine around the clock again I stopped after 3 days after 1st round. Oh well, rather do that than be sick.
    Supposed to be nice here all week. I'm loving it!
    September 2013
  • cloverlady4
    No problems with Lymphedema even from first mastectomy but now I have no lymph nodes under either arm so it does worry me.
    I was diagnosed before anyone really knew what it was. I had a sleep study done in 1983....not the breathing one but a complete one where they figure how much time you spend in each level of sleep. They found I was only getting a third of the deep sleep needed to feel rested and restored. This was caused by "alpha intrusion". They thought maybe the pain I was experiencing was due to the muscles in my body not getting any real rest. So I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which was sort of known about way back when. My sleep specialist called MD's all over the country to try to find out what to do. He finally talked with an MD in Canada who said it sounds like Fibromyalgia. Ta-Daa
    I have been on every med on the market I think. NSAIDs wreaked havoc with digestive systems so I don't take those anymore. I don't take many meds anymore (till now anyway) I did Yoga, Cranial-Sacral Massage, plain massage, supplements, acupunture, psychotherapy, physical therapy, and on and on. Oh yeah, your personal favorite-Chiropractic adjustments.
    So I have been dealing with this for a very long time. Enough of me, how are YOU doing? Is there snow where you are? I thought I saw on the news it snowed in Wyoming and Colorado. It's beautiful here today..mid seventies.
    Well, guess I used up enough space for now. :)
    September 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Yes, I have heard of Neurontin being used. Also Lyrica. I never tried Lyrica because a big side effect is swelling of hands and feet. With no lymph nodes under my arms, any fluid that goes in can't really get out and I will have to deal with Lymphedema. A lot of pain meds work by not necessarily getting rid of the pain but making you not care that it is there.(like you said) Fine with me. Vicodin would be OK
    September 2013
  • cloverlady4
    AAWWWW That must have been so scary.For you and the dogs. I hope you have a great weekend off. It is supposed to be nice here in New England. Yes belly pain and pain from the Neulasta shot. But I think the chemo aggravates the Fibromyalgia. One night every nerve in my body was screaming! I cannot do another round of chemo with no pain meds. Pain meds or new doctor.
    September 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Today is Friday and WoHoo you are past the halfway mark with rad. Hope you are still tolerating it well. I am not feeling as well with this second round as I did with rhe first but it is cumulative so I guess that it to be expected. I have started taking the Zofran and Compazine again. Just a general, vague feeling of unwellness. lol Don't really know how to explain it. Things must have quieted down after all the pet sitting you did. The animals do make me smile though. Anyway, keep me posted. :)
    September 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Karenhi, This chemo round about the same, thanks for asking. No Nausea. Very tired and winded. Lots of nerve pain (?) bone pain.
    Seems like this time it took 4-5 days to feel worst. Hopefully today will be on upswing again. And so you begin another week of rad. Will be thinking of you. :)
    September 2013
  • cloverlady4
    WOW, sure sounds like you have your hands full. Good distraction...only for a week. Things will seem so much easier after that....lol. YAY on your tx's!! You're reaching the halfway mark soon. Do what you can when you can. :)
    September 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Karenhi, If my count is right you have put another 5 radiation treatments behind you. Hope you are still tolerating them well. :)
    September 2013