

  • caregiver-21881
    We are just beginning-diagnosed in feb. Seems to be same diagnosis as yours Have yet to receive treatment. Just mapping for radiation and see the chemo dr. on april 9. Seems to take a long time. How long was it before you started treatment from diagnosis? So helpful to hear from others going thru' the same.
    April 2012
  • Tighthead
    Howdy, this is the place to be and your info is also mine? I was diagnosed 11/2011, 1" tumor in Left Upper Lobe Lung (the far edge of lung), gathered advice from this site, doctors, and just people on the bus. I made an decision to have surgery 2/1/2012 (Non-Small Cell), then 4 weeks after surgery X-rays showed (2) 3/4" tumors near center of chest and surgeon recommended Chemotherapy. I was still positive about my recovery (SURVIVAL is the word I found to hold on to) and started Chemo 3/15/2012. I have my good & bad days without suffering by not doing nothing. I found strength here at WhatNext & I LOVE the people here because they are closer to me then my 3 children, 12 grand kids, but not my great grand daughter. Any day above ground is better than below & I thank God for each day. Find your strength to carry on the fight of this disease, that puts you at a DIS-EASE! I'm following you in your journey & make sure you look around the site. Pray 4 Me As I Do 4 YOU!
    April 2012