

  • Dulcinea
    congrats on getting through the first round. some things I have learned in my 10 months (so far journey) -
    1. chemo effects are cumulative. after round 1, i went black friday shopping. after round 4 i had to take a sick day.
    2. you may not lose your hair. lung cells, and lung cancer cells are very different from hair follicle cells. at worst, my hair thinning a bit - and now that the chemo is over, those ones are growing back in. i never lost my hair, never needed a scarf, never needed a hat, never needed a wig.
    3. take the anti nausea meds as soon as you get up in the morning, and keep taking them as directed. if you can treat the nausea before it takes hold, you'll be able to control it far better than if you wait to get nauseous before you start taking them.
    4. ginger capsules (available at your local drug store, walmart or target) are a big help for nausea.
    5. l-glutamine - recommended to me by a ton of cancer patients... any time i had a pain flair in my fingers or toes, i took 2. kept the peripheral neuropathy at bay, and now that chemo and radiation is over, i have no residual numbness/pain/anything in fingers or toes. i will swear by the stuff.
    6. eat healthy. fresh fruits sat well for me, even when the nausea was at its worst. fresh veggies, same thing. this summer, i've had a community garden, and even though there are days i don't feel great, my body is being treated well. it sure can't hurt.
    August 2012